Uplifted by Mother Nature's astounding beauty, these beautiful double strand necklaces are made from Atsikpeyra [ah-cheek-pay-YEAR-a] seeds.
Made in Ghana, designed and finished in Toronto.
The versatile length is 16- 30", carefully handcrafted leather clasp.
I am so excited about this collaboration and being able to enable two hardworking girls.
A portion of sales will be used to support sewing equipment procurement to help with skills-based education for the Girls and Boys Club of Dagbamate, Ghana.
Being a part of the solution to help change lives.
Wear this necklace proudly knowing you have done something to make someone else's life a little better. We all have the ability to pay it forward.
[Sena is in the red shirt and Precious in the stripes]
exclusive & one of a kind
Each piece comes with a hand-made "one love" jewellery pouch